Enhance Your Cybersecurity Career with Offensive Security Certifications

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Learn Fundamentals is designed to help learn essential cybersecurity concepts and provide the prerequisite skills necessary for our courses & certifications.
Learn One is an annual subscription for individuals and organizations who want to enroll in a single course and ultimately earn an OffSec certification
Learn Unlimited provides individuals and organizations with unlimited access to the OffSec Learning Library. This includes all courses, content and learning paths
Created to meet the specific needs of the enterprise, Learn Enterprise addresses the cybersecurity talent gap through continuous skills development and knowledge acquisition.


Penetratıon Testıng wıth Kalı Lınux (PEN-200)
The industry-leading Penetration Testing with Kali Linux (PWK/PEN-200) course introduces penetration testing methodologies, tools and techniques via hands-on experience and is self-paced.
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Offensıve Securıty Wıreless Attacks (PEN-210)
Wireless Attacks (PEN-210) introduces learners to the skills needed to audit and secure wireless devices and is a foundational course alongside PEN-200 and benefits those who would like to gain more skills in network security.
Course Brochure
Evasıon Technıques and Breachıng Defenses (PEN-300)
Evasion Techniques and Breaching Defenses (PEN-300) is an advanced penetration testing course. Learners who complete the course and pass the exam will earn the OffSec Experienced Pentester (OSEP) certification.
Course Brochure


Wındows User Mode Exploıt Development (EXP-301)
Windows User Mode Exploit Development (EXP-301) is a course that teaches learners the basics of modern exploit development.
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macOS Control Bypass (EXP-312)
Advanced macOS Control Bypasses (EXP-312) is our first macOS security course. It’s an offensive logical exploit development course for macOS, focusing on local privilege escalation and bypassing the operating system’s defenses. Course Brochure
Advanced Wındows Exploıtatıon (EXP-401)
Modern exploits for Windows-based platforms require modern bypass methods to circumvent Microsoft’s defenses. In Advanced Windows Exploitation (EXP-401), OffSec challenges learners to develop creative solutions that work in today’s increasingly difficult exploitation environment.



Advanced Web Attacks wıth Kalı Lınux (WEB-200)
Learn the foundations of web application assessments with Foundational Web Application Assessments with Kali Linux (WEB-200). Learners who complete the course and pass the exam will earn the OffSec Web Assessor (OSWA) certification
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Advanced Web Attacks and Exploıtatıon (WEB-300)
Advanced Web Attacks and exploitation (WEB-300) is an advanced web application security course that teaches the skills needed to conduct white box web app penetration tests. Course Brochure
Securıty Operatıons and Defensıve Analysis (SOC-200)
Learn the foundations of cybersecurity defense with Foundational Security Operations and Defensive Analysis (SOC-200), a course designed for job roles such as Security Operations Center (SOC) Analysts and Threat Hunters.
Course Brochure